Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

Well, today we sent our little girl off to Kindergarten. She was so anxious to go. She has afternoon Kindergarten and about 11:00 am this morning, she came in to me telling me that she needed to go to school now. I told her that we are going to leave for school at 12:30 pm and she looked at me and grabbed my mom's watch and said it was already "thirty". I told her that we were going to leave after lunch and she responded by saying that she had already had lunch. I explained to her that it was breakfast and then proceeded to demand lunch "NOW". She had a come back for every excuse I gave her as to why we weren't leaving for school yet!!! She is so smart.

Yesterday, was her screening and she did really well. The teacher said that she scored high and that she was really impressed with some of the things that she did, like: grouping colored blocks together without being asked and then counting them, pointing out a question mark (I didn't even know about that one) when she hadn't been asked, asking for an eraser when she made a mistake on the paper, etc. etc. It was really neat to see how much she really knew.

She picked out her own backpack. It is ridiculously HUGE on her, but she insisted. She absolutely loves it.

When she got home she said she needed quiet time and immediately went upstairs and put herself in quiet time. I was OK with that.

This evening has been a rough one on her though. She is so tired and if this is a preview of things to come for the rest of the school year, this is definitely something I am not anticipating!! She has been so touchy and grumpy, it is hard to reason with her. I hope she will get used to the schedule and things will get better, I can only hope and pray......REALLY hard!!!

All in all she really had a great day at school. She really loves it and is excited to go back. The teacher calls her Cynthia and I think that might be an issue with CJ listening to her. Apparently there was a little issue with that today, but that is what I hear from CJ. We asked CJ tonight if she wanted her teacher to call her Cynthia or CJ and she said CJ. We will need to remind her teacher of that, I think she might get a better response from her. CJ knows her name is Cynthia and will respond to it, but she is so used to CJ.

I can't believe that she is already old enough to go to school. Spencer and I thought about when Avary will be going to school and came to the conclusion that she will be in school in about two years. Where has the time gone!?!?!?!?!?!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love the backpack picture, she looks like she's gonna topple over! As long as her teacher doesn't give her too much homework, she should be able to keep her balance though :)

Kids grow up WAY too fast, don't they?