Sunday, February 22, 2009

First Talk

Today, Avary gave her very first talk and it was her very first participation in an opening exercises. She did so well. We are so proud of her. Spencer was in Utah for it so I had him on the cell phone so he could hear Avary give her talk. This is her talk:

"Many of our dads and even older brothers are priesthood holders. They use the priesthood to bless their family and other families in our ward and church.

When I was a baby my dad gave me a very special blessing. He has used his priesthood authority to give me blessings before I have had surgery and when I have been really sick. He blesses me that I can get better fast. He reminds me that Heavenly Father loves me and will help me stay safe. I know that I will be OK because the blessings that my dad gives me come from Heavenly Father.

I love my dad very much. I am glad that he has the priesthood. I know that the priesthood comes from Heavenly Father and that He loves me.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

She said it loud and clear, I was so impressed and proud of our little Belle.


Sherri said...

That talk of Avary's sounded so cute. What a neat idea you had of calling Spencer so he could hear it. Who said modern technology isn't useful? Hope all of you are doing well today, and hope Spencer gets some extra good rest tonight.

Love the Schumann Family

Sherri said...

What a great little talk Avary gave...Had we known what was going on, the phone should have been on loud speaker! It was so nice to have you come here for a few hours Spencer. Thanks for the effort it took. And Sierra, I hope you will soon be out of your diapers! What funny & cute girls you two have!
Love, MOM