Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Final Grades

Well, the results are in and I am VERY pleased. It was a rough quarter with my back going out again and my mom being hospitalized. I thought for sure that I would get really bad grades that would lower my GPA, but as it stands, I am very happy and pleased.

Chocolate, Confections,
and Showpieces.......................B
European Tortes.....................A-
English Composition...............A-

I am really relieved that I got a B in my chocolates class, because my final sugar showpiece didn't score really well on our grading sheet. I thought for sure I was going to get a C or, at most, a C+. My grade went up in English Comp from a B+ to an A-, so I am happy about that, and I remained a B in Nutrition, which I am not surprised about because I missed a quiz. As for Chocolates and European Tortes, I never really knew my mid term so I am pleased about those grades.

Have a great Christmas, everybody. I know I will now!

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Great Job Sierra...
I bet you are really happy!!!
Have a Merry Christmas...