Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

We had a really fun 4th of July. We hope everybody else did, too. (Although, I do believe I missed my brother Regan's "pyrotechnics" show this year.) Anyway, we were invited to go to Georgetown with Spencer's cousin and we had a lot of fun. They had a really cute parade. Georgetown is such a tiny place. It reminds me of Mt. Pleasant in that respect and it also reminds me of Park City, because it is literally sandwiched between two mountains. I loved it!! They had so many wonderful, little stores. I found the only place I know of in Colorado that makes the homemade salt water taffy, which made my sister quite happy, and the same place makes the BEST pistachio ice cream I have ever tasted, yes better than Baskin Robbins. I, of course, had to call my mom to tell her about it, seeing how it is her favorite ice cream.

A lady and her husband were making balloon animals for kids. I was blown away with how elaborate her hat was. We asked her how long it took her and she told us 5 hours. Can you believe it!!?? She was very dedicated in getting that hat done. This is a picture of her.

The parade was really fun. It started with this guy on this bicycle. It was really interesting watching him get on this thing. He would have to get a running start and then jump on the pedals while landing on the seat at the same time.

They had some really awesome classic cars in the parade. I got pictures of all of them, but there are way too many to post. This two person bike rode past us that I thought was really fun. Spencer and I thought we should have one.

Then the bikers drove past. This one in particular I could see my mother on along with her sister, Sy, or even Sy and her husband Ron. I love this bike, I thought it was "the bomb".

The kids loved the parade. They hit the jackpot with all the candy that was being thrown. They loved to go pick it up. This is the only picture I could get of them "scrounging" for candy because they were entirely too fast for me and the camera.

I had them put all the candy in my lap and about halfway through the parade, the candy was falling out of my lap. I finally had to block it with my arms and even then it started to spill over.

Towards the end of the parade the fire trucks started down the road. It was so funny because in the middle of these HUGE fire trucks there was this old man driving his lawn mower. It really made us laugh.

After the parade we went to the town BBQ. It was alright, entirely too expensive for our taste. Next time we won't get food at the BBQ and maybe just bring a picnic.

I could've stayed in that town all day. It was so "old fashioned", I loved it. I can't wait to go back!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

So glad you guys enjoyed the 4th and even more glad we were able to share it with you. Isn't georgetown the neatest place to spend a holiday?