Sunday, July 6, 2008


Today the girls, Spencer, and I made cookies. Our Relief Society President lost her baby this last week, she was 24 weeks, and we wanted to make some cookies to take to her as a "pick-me-up".
The girls call themselves bakers "just like mommy" they say. It is really cute. Anyway, they had a lot of fun as you can see. They each rolled out their own dough with their own little rollers, cut their own cookies, and put them on their own cookie sheets. They loved it!

After dinner, they frosted and decorated their own cookies. It was fun to watch them, although CJ was more interesting in just eating the frosting. She only got 3 cookies decorated because she ate the rest of her frosting.

Avary got frosting on all her cookies, decorated them so carefully, and then dug in. She got a little upset when I took her plate of cookies to put them in the fridge. I only let them have 3 because it was an hour before bedtime.

It is fun to have such good helpers in the kitchen. They also love to help me make their chocolate chip Mickey Mouse pancakes in the morning. It is fun to watch them because they make all the motions I do, in the air, like flipping the pancake over and loading it with chocolate chips. I think I have some future bakers on my hands.


jjertmann said...

That's so cute! I love it when Clara helps me in the kitchen.

MnM McQuivey's said...

How fun! Your girls look like they had a lot of fun making cookies. I had my mom show Grandma your blog. I could here Grandma commenting about all the pictures and how cute your girls are. Just thought you'ld like to know.