Monday, January 17, 2011


So, we have been reading scriptures with the girls every night and the other night we had asked CJ to read 1 Nephi 16:1. She started to ask why they didn't have a number 1 at the beginning of the verse and we started to explain why. In the midst of us trying to explain to CJ about the 1, Avary started to read the verse.....BY HERSELF!! She read the ENTIRE verse by herself with very little help (only on the really big words). We could NOT believe it! We all sat there with our mouths gaped open while she continued to read. Had no idea that child could read like that. We all knew she was learning how to read, but she sounded out words and read the whole verse. We were so proud. Well, then the next day we were going somewhere and Avary was putting on her shoes. I went into their room to do something and she is in there tying her own dang shoes. I just about died because we really haven't been working on it with her like we wanted to. I asked her who taught her to tie her shoes and she looked at me with a huge smile on her face and said that she had just been practicing. My baby is growed up. It's a good thing that I am having another baby in a couple months because this is starting to be a little too much for me. Not to mention CJ will be getting baptized in about 3 months and starting activity days, which means I will be taking her to Young Women activities with me because that is when they have activity days. Next Sunday is her first "fireside", the "8 Is Great!" fireside. My head is in a whirl wind. Where did the time go?????

1 comment:

Sherri said...

No kidding your kids are getting all grown up! We miss seeing them so much! Make every precious minute count - that's my motherly advice!