Thursday, September 23, 2010

Summer Wildlife Roundup

This summer, I've been riding my bike home from work most days. Along the way, I've seen quite a bit of wildlife. I took a few pictures (with my phone, so the quality isn't great). I saw about 10 to 15 deer total, and here is one of them:

You might have to look hard, but it's in there!

I also saw two coyotes, but I didn't take pictures of them. One was running under a fence and was only about 10 feet away from me.

Today, as I was cruising up a gentle hill, I saw a snake on the bike path directly in front of me. I saw it just in time to skid to a stop with my front wheel about 3 feet away from it. It was a rattle snake! It coiled up but didn't try to strike. You can just barely make out the rattle in this picture (click for a larger view of this and all the other pictures):

After I took the picture and calmed down a bit, I decided to detour around it through the grass. Here are a couple more pictures from the other side. You can see some skid marks above it in the pictures where I came to a stop. One of those is mine. I don't know if the other one is an old one or if someone else did the same thing.

To give this a sense of scale, I'd say the path is about 6 to 8 feet wide. I didn't try to stretch the snake out and measure it, but I'd say it was about 3 feet long.

I'm pretty sure I saw another rattle snake in this same area a couple of years ago, but that time I was going downhill and I just swerved around it and kept going.

So that's my wildlife roundup. Maybe next summer I'll start carrying around a better camera for some better shots!

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Holy Cow!!! That turns my stomach!!! So glad you did not get bit - -As much as I love seeing the cool pictures, how about "avoiding even the very appearance of evil," and getting the heck outta there! PS. Good shots of the glad you are safe! Love, MOM