Graduation went really well. I was so pleased with the way things turned out for my table that I decorated. I accomplished everything I wanted to do for the table and my design worked perfectly for the size of table we were given, 6' x 3'.
So, for graduation, it is required of all the students to do what they call "Portfolio Review". It is where potential employers come and look at things that we can do, want to do, and have learned while we were in school. The school has awards for the best tables. They give one in the Bachelor's program, the baking and pastries, and the culinary program as well as all the other programs in the entire school, but I only really care and know about the culinary awards. It was my goal to get this award, I worked really hard.
Anyway, Friday the 25th was the day. Spencer went and helped me set up and my mom and cousin, Rachel, came a little later. Rachel took pictures for me. She did such a wonderful job, I am so grateful to her for doing that.
Well, here are some pictures of the stuff I did. I decorated 3 dummy cakes, had my physical portfolio there, a framed resume, the laptop showing pictures with music put to the slideshow, and two samples of some desserts that I do, a ginger pumpkin torte and my lime cake.
These are gumpaste Mango Calla Lillis that I made. I had a vase of 5 real ones sitting next to it to compare the likeness of them. A LOT of people approached me saying that they thought they were actually real, it made me VERY happy.
My loving and wonderful mother spent all day Thursday stringing these beads for me on wires. Thanks mom!!! Unfortunately you can't really see the beads in the pictures because of the dark background so, I will post another picture of it where you can see the beads later, we haven't gotten around to it yet. And, yes, it is supposed to be lopsided, it is called a Topsy Turvy Cake.
Before we walked for graduation, we were told who won the awards for the three categories in the culinary area. The first time ever there was a tie in the baking and pastries. Two other friends of mine received the awards for the bachelors and the culinary.
I graduated with honors, Magna Cum Laude, and received the "Award of Achievement in Excellence in Baking and Pastries". I was one of the ones that tied! I am very happy and lucky with all the talent that surrounded me.
I am so glad that it is all done and over! I can't wait to spend the holidays with my family instead of doing homework and stressing about the next quarter of school, I am FREE!