Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer of Fun

Well, we have had one crazy summer. I have really enjoyed being at home with my kids. It started off with a surprising report card.

Career Developement..............................A
Food and Beverage (Wine Class)............A-
Menu Management..................................B- (Instructor was a PUTZ!)

I don't know why I got a B- in Menu Management. I can only think that he didn't write my grade down in his book on some assignments because at mid-term I had a B+. Anyway, like I said, he was a putz and the class was a waste of my time and money, but it is over now. What came as a shock was my wine class grade. I had to learn so much stuff about wine that I thought for sure I was going to loose my mind. I was very happy with my final grade in that class. My current GPA is 3.7, but I hope to bring that back up this quarter so I can hopefully graduate with a 3.8.

My mom left for Alaska for 3 weeks to spend it with my sister so we had company. At first my Dad flew in and spent 5 days with us. We had a lot of fun. We went to the Zoo.

The animals were really putting a show on for us, it was really fun. The peacocks were actually opening their feathers:

We got to see the Lions get fed:
And the Polar Bears were lounging in the hot sun in the cool water blowing bubbles:

Avary LOVES the Merry-go-round:

She always has to ride on the Merry-go-round when we go to the zoo:
And of course the trip to the zoo wouldn't be complete without a little bit of goofy from Spencer:

By the end of the day a huge storm came rolling in and the Giraffes were really putting on a show. We barely made it to the car before the downpour started. We all really enjoyed the time with my Dad. The girls were sad when he had to go.

After my Dad left for home, we had about a week to recuperate before Spencer's family came. They all arrived on the 4th of July and we went and saw the Aurora fireworks. They were really neat. 25 minutes of continuous fireworks and the finale was amazing. The girls got to wear their new 4th of July dresses to church the next day. They were really excited that their dresses opened when they would twirl:

On Monday we all went to the Aurora Reservoir. This was the first time the girls have ever been to a beach. They had a BLAST!

It was really hard to keep the girls out of the water long enough to eat lunch and then again when we had to leave. It was such a beautiful day, we all had a lot of fun.

After they all left we had some friends from Utah contact us and told us that they were in Colorado and wanted to get together. So, they brought brownies and ice cream over and a new found talent that Spencer and I didn't know about. Our friend Mark apparently has found a calling in making balloon animals. He was the hit of the party:

He made caterpillars, lady bugs, flowers, killer whales, dogs, and he even attempted a Huckleberry Hound as per CJ's request. While they were here, Spencer found a new "pet":

Apparently this was sitting on the side of our house and he went out and got it. CJ's hand is the one we scaled it next to. I have NEVER seen a moth as big as this. I woudl say the wing span was at least 4 inches. I finally made him take it outside and let it go. I was afraid of that thing getting loose in my house and eating us or something. It was HUGE!

We have had a great summer break together, but alas it has come to an end as I start school on Monday. We have had some pretty crazy storms this summer. We even had a toranado warnign when my Dad was here. we stood by our patio door and watched the clouds swirl in front of our eyes, but they combined and didn't do anything, thank heavens.

It's nice getting our water bill because it isn't as high as it usually is. We LOVE the rain. Our garden is growing really fast and we don't have to water it everyday because of the amount of rain we are getting this year.

My summer blog has come to an end. We hope every body had a great summer as well.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

We had a GREAT time visiting out there with all of you!! Thanks for all the fun & food - hope you have recuperated by now. We miss you guys.

Love ya, Mom & Dad & Girls