Thursday, July 16, 2009

Return of the "Garden Visitor"

No, you are not seeing a repeat post. Today I went outside to water the garden and while I was out there Jersey was too. I looked over to see her on the back porch of the house and I saw her jerk away. When I looked closer there was this snake slithering up the steps along the house and back down the steps to under the deck. When I say along the house I really mean along the house. If the door had been open to the house, it could have slithered in and I wouldn't have noticed. Anyway, I freaked out, of course, and called Spencer. Bad decision. He said cool, take pictures, when I get home I'll see what I can do, non helpful stuff like that. After I basically hung up on him, I ran over the the neighbors house and asked him to come over and take care of it. I am SO glad he was home. He came over with a pole with a hook and tried to get it. He had it too in a bucket but at that time I hadn't come back with the lid for the bucket and it escaped. He was over here for about an hour trying to get the snake for me (what an AWESOME neighbor). We had scared it into the front yard and it curled up in a bush out there in the front by the front door. Next year, those bushes are going away. Anyway, I called Animal Control and they came out and got it. The Animal Control guy said it was a Bull snake. He said that when the weather is hot they like to come out and bask in the sun. He noticed we have red brick stones on our property and he said they especially like that, great. He also mentioned anything that attracts mice or rabbits will draw them out as well, we have a vegetable garden. But the upside of this particular snake is that it eats Rattle Snakes. I'm cool with that. He reassured me that it isn't poisonous and it doesn't eat anything larger than a small rabbit. He assessed the length of the snake to be about 3 feet, "A big one", he said. When I had called he asked me how big it was and I told him anything larger than a worm is too big for me. He laughed. I liked him, he was nice. Thank you to my new heroes! Eduardo, our neighbor, and the Animal Control guy!!!

1 comment:

photomama said...

We saw a rattle snake at my mom's house in was really, really close to us and SOOOOOO big! It was horrifying! I had bad dreams that night of the big snake from Aladdin biting my kids over and over. I am totally with you on the not liking snakes business!! :)