Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blanding Trip and other August Events

From our last post you know that Spencer's grandparents died in a car accident the beginning of August.  Well, we all went to Blanding, UT for the funeral....even the dog.  It was a really good trip, I'm so glad we all went.  Anyway, having kids we had to keep them occupied with fun things to do.  There isn't much in Blanding, but we found some things to do to keep the girls happy, which in turn, kept us happy.

The first place we went was the dinosaur museum.  I had heard so many stories about Spencer and his family going to the dinosaur museum that we had to take our kids.  It wasn't what I expected, but it kept them busy for a little while.  Especially when Uncle Tyler and Aunt Shelly decided that they would come with us.  Thank heavens they did or it wouldn't have been a "successful" trip.


Reed slept through the whole thing.

Spencer thought that this was pretty cool.  I guess it is a replica of the model used for the King Kong movie.

I LOVE the look Avary is giving Uncle Tyler in this picture.  I don't thing she knew what to think about him.  We LOVE Uncle Tyler.

CJ sure had a lot of fun with Uncle Tyler.  Like I said, if they hadn't have come with us, it would have been a flop.  Here is a little video of the fun they had:

I think we were actually the only ones at the museum besides the one worker there.  It was good though.

Later that same day we went do Grandma and Grandpa Johnny's cabin.  They were on their way to the cabin when they were hit head on by a Penske truck.  It was really pretty up at the cabin.  When we got there, there was a deer hanging out looking for food.  I guess that was what Grandma and Grandpa Johnny would do, they would go up and feed the local deer.  It was really neat to see.  Jersey went NUTS!  The deer didn't get too close because of the dog, but we got some good wilderness time with the deer.

They have this beautiful reservoir there called Recapture Reservoir.  It sure was beautiful.  The pictures don't give it justice, but I like this one that I took.

Every time we drove past it, it just took my breath away.  I loved it.

The next day we found a little water park that they just opened up so that the kids could swim.  It was SO hot in Blanding when we went that water was more than welcome!  This was the first time Reed went swimming

 He didn't like it so much.  The water was a little chilly for his liking, but after I got him out I let him wade a little.  He liked that, just didn't like the immersion.  Too much I guess.  He sure loves his baths though.  Just too cold I guess.

 The girls really had a good time and so did Spencer.  Uncle Ryan, Aunt Cami, and Aunt Addie all went with us to the water park.  It was so good to get out and have some fun.

At one point Spencer and Ryan got the whistle blown at them because they both had a girl on their shoulders playing "chicken", you know, where they try to knock each other off the shoulders.  Silly boys.  Not really a game for little girls.

The next day was the double funeral.  They did such a good job, both the families.  It lasted only about an hour and 20 minutes which was, I think, record breaking...ESPECIALLY for a double funeral and two different families.  It was beautiful though and really neat to hear all the fun things about the two of them.

The family was able to move the plot that Grandpa Johnny bought over by Grandma which was so neat.  Grandma is buried next to the two men she loved dearly, Grandpa Burdett on her Right and Grandpa Johnny on her left.

When we got home the girls started school.  CJ is now in 3rd grade and Avary is in 1st.

 My my my....where does the time go!!??  They are really enjoying school this year.  They both are doing so well and I am so proud of the both of them!

Reed started eating cereal this month as well.  At first he wasn't sure what to think:

But he REALLY enjoys it now.  He is growing SO fast I can hardly keep up with his clothes.  He is such a joy though.  The girls love him more everyday.

I made another cake this month.  A friend of our Bradley Teacher called and wanted me to make a Gluten Free, low sugar, organic cake.  It turned out really yummy (I know because we always get scraps!)  :)   She didn't have any specifics about the decoration, she just wanted chocolate with "Happy Birthday Chandler" written on it.  I think it turned out really cute:

The cupcake on top was for Chandler, he turned one so he got his own little cake.  I love decorating cakes.  I wish more people would ask me to do them.  If I could I would decorate a cake every day.


Courtney Schumann said...

Baby Reed is sure cute! I can't believe how big he is getting, especially since the last time we had seen him. It's a bummer we missed swimming in Blanding! It looks like you guys had lots of fun:) Well hope all is well!

Jackson Family said...

that was neat to see pictures of everything in Blanding. I went once, but it's been forever! I'm glad the funeral turned out well, and glad you all got to go. looks like you had fun mixed in with the sadness of the funeral too.

and I love your cake, especially the cupcake on top. Every birthday that passes in our family, we think of you and how we wish we were eating your amazing and beautiful cakes instead of my not very tasty and very unattractive cakes.

your girls are so cute, and lil Reed is growing up so fast. What a cute family you guys have. take care!

Sherri said...

Really nice blog! I wish we could all be together again...We miss you guys! You sure have a special & sweet family...and yes, growing up too fast. We loved all the pictures. Fun times mixed in with the hard stuff. Sierra, the cake is so cute. I admire how you can write words so pretty, and not all shaky & wiggly like mine are! Hey, is Spencer & the girls going to make you a Birthday Cake on Monday??! : ) Take Care & give your kids a love and hug from us! Love you guys.

Sherri said...

That video was so funny! How cool that the girls were able to run & scream in a museum and have so much fun with Tylerasauraus! He's a really fun uncle! How hilarious! Was that a lady in the background looking on in disbelief!?

Sherri said...

Oh, the lady is SHELLY! : )