Wednesday, April 20, 2011

8 Years Old

Well, it has finally arrived. Our Cynthia Jo is 8 years old. Holy cow!! Where did it all go??!! It was a little bit of a rough birthday for the rest of us. We had a virus going through the house, but luckily CJ snapped out of it for her birthday so it was a happy one for her.

I was thinking about how I should decorate her cake. As I thought about it I just couldn't come up with an idea, so I asked her if she wanted to decorate her own cake this year. She was SO excited! Her eyes lit up and she got the biggest smile on her face and said "YES!" All I had to do was bake the cake and she did the rest.

Here is an up close picture of the finished product:

She chose strawberry cake, which the grown ups in the house weren't too excited about, but she loved it. And to tell you the truth, the cake gets better the more you eat it, especially with lots of vanilla ice cream. Anyway, she was so proud of her cake and I was so proud of her.

She got some really nice things for her birthday, but the one she was excited about most was her Barbie head. She wanted a Barbie head so that she could practice doing hair, like braids and such. She was SO happy when she opened that, never mind her constant assumptions that that was what she was getting. She also got some chapter books for her to start reading. We figure we need to get a jump on those now since she will be in 3rd grade in August. She also got a really pretty necklace from her Grandma and Grandpa Schumann along with some candy and it was all in a neat mailbox that they dolled up. She had a great birthday!


Jackson Family said...

happy birthday CJ and what a great looking cake!

Sherri said...

Great Job on decorating your birthday cake CJ! You had so much fun doing that, we can tell...looks yummy! Are you having fun fixing your Barbie head's hairdo? Fun, Fun! That's neat you are into reading chapter books. You must be really smart!