Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First Tooth, Recovery, and Weather

Well, it has finally happened! CJ is officially physically growing up! She lost her first tooth yesterday, March 22, at school. (I know she is growing up, it's just the whole loosing her first tooth thing that has really slapped me in the face about the whole thing is all.) She has another one that is loose too. I think she is going to loose her teeth the same way she got them, all at once! She was so excited about loosing her tooth. I guess when you loose your tooth at school the office gives the kids a little treasure chest to keep it in. She brought it home from school and ran up the stairs to show me that she lost her first tooth. A couple weeks ago my mom made CJ a special Tooth Fairy pillow case:

It is really cute. It has little Fairies all over it and on the rim of the case is a little pocket for the tooth:

Avary wants one so bad. She can't wait to loose her first tooth, she is SO funny! Anyway, the tooth fairy came last night and left CJ a very special, first time only reward of $5:

The Tooth Fairy is going to get cheaper from this moment on. CJ came home from school one day not too long ago excited that her friend, Jaimie, got $5 from the Tooth Fairy. Spencer and I just looked at each other and rolled our eyes. We figure for the first tooth it is OK, but every tooth from here on out is another story. It was funny because last night I bet Spencer that the first thing I was going to hear in the morning would be Avary saying: "The Tooth Fairy gave CJ $5!". So, what was the first thing I heard this morning: "The Tooth Fairy gave CJ $5!" in her, not so cute at 6:30 in the morning, shrill voice. Now she REALLY wants to have a loose tooth.

My surgery went good. I'm recovering well, still a little tender and scratchy in my nose, but my doctor said it will start feeling better from now on.

I had my surgery on the 16th of this month. For some reason I was really nervous about it. Spencer gave me a couple blessings, bless his heart. I went in Tuesday morning still a little nervous, but I was calm and trusting. When I was coming out of anesthesia, I felt them remove the breathing tube from my throat. The nurse was starting to annoy me pretty fast. I finally mustered enough energy to tell her to leave me alone, Spencer laughed. I guess I wasn't breathing good enough and she wanted to wake me up fast so I wouldn't have to stay the night. Before surgery, there was a guy in the space next to me waiting to have a hernia operation, it was his first surgery. It was funny because my doctor came in: (She looks almost EXACTLY like this actress. I love my doctor she is so fun and really funny.)

...and we were talking about her son's birthday cake that I'm doing for her and I apologized for talking about food when we both hadn't had anything to eat for hours. He laughed and said it was OK because it had was already spoiled for him because the first thing he could smell when he walked into the hospital was bacon. Well, that opened up a whole new conversation about bacon. It was nice to talk to people before the surgery because it kept my nerves down. Well, when I woke up from anesthesia, I heard the same guy talking about bacon. It was so odd because it was the EXACT same conversation we were having before I went into surgery. I finally got my oxygen up so I was able to go home and when I got home we immediately started my regiment of alternating ice and micro-current, something my chiropractor suggested. (REALLY glad he did, it was awesome, helped SO much! I licked my lips at one point and accidentally touched the wet tissues I use with it and it felt like a 9 volt battery on my tongue, it was so funky!)

Above is the micro-current and below is the ice pack.

The blood you see is not from my nose. I had a LOT of drainage in my throat and I had to spit it out. It wasn't as bad as it looks. The pictures really make it look terrible, but I expected to hurt a lot more than I did. I wasn't really groggy when we got home from the hospital. Spencer was at my side 24 hours that day. He would give me water, pain meds, food, switch my ice and micro-current, help me to the bathroom, empty my bucket full of tissues from spitting out my drainage (sorry for the detail, it was worse than I am making it), he was AWESOME! I married a WONDERFUL man. He would set the alarm to go off 6 hours after I took my pain meds for bed so he could keep me comfortable and well medicated. :)) It really worked out well. My mom took over the next day, she did a good job too, especially having to take care of the girls as well. It will be so good to be well. I am SO tired of bed! I have a hard time going to bed these days because I have spent SOOOOOO much time in bed this year. In one of the blessings Spencer gave me he mentioned that I would be able to overcome the illnesses that have plagued me this year and I have faith that this will be the end. Poor guy, it is a good thing he had 3 weeks vacation this year because now he is down to 2, give or take a little. It is really sad when he has to use his sick days because of me. He never gets sick anyway, but it is still really pitiful.

Anyway, I went for my post-op check up yesterday. she said things look great, still a little swollen and crusty, but healing nice. I can blow my nose, softly, now and I don't have to use anymore nose sprays, HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!! I almost passed out in the exam room though because she was suctioning my nose out. It was pretty stupid and scary, but she says it is pretty common. I'm back on my feet now, in fact I made dinner tonight, but I am quite tired. I can't wait until this road ends!

Now we are dealing with a TON of snow! We are getting hit pretty hard today. I hope it gets it out of its system because last year CJ had a snowy birthday, I'm hoping for warm this year! She wants a pajama birthday party with her friends. It will be fun to throw a birthday party for her.


Jackson Family said...

I've been wondering how you're doing. It doesn't look like a fun recovery at all-yuck! Hope you're up and at it and feeling well soon.

CJ-I like your missing tooth-the tooth fairy was very nice and generous to you. I should lose my teeth, I might get rich! :) Leanne, the tooth fairy pillow is soooo cute.

miss you all, loves!

Sherri said...

Glad you're feeling better and better each day Sierra - you really looked like a "basket case" there in bed! Sounds like you had some FANTASTIC help at home making your recover much easier. Very funny quotes of the girls!! And such a darling picture of CJ's tooth stuff - that was so funny about "rolling your eyes" with the $5.00 obligation story!! That was a really informative blog - thanks for the time you take to do it. You're sweet to send us a "thank you" card...cute one! We love and miss you guys so much! Mom & Dad