Monday, July 19, 2010


Well, sorry it has been a while, busy summer I guess. You will all have to forgive me because I have some catching up to do and I will have to post later blogs that happened earlier. But, I will get it done. We have some fun stuff coming up, so bear with us. I will start with the most recent and then move backwards until I'm all caught up, and I apologize if it turns into just an explanation of pictures and stuff instead of an actual story.

So, for CJ's birthday her Grandma and Grandpa (Candy) Schumann gave her, I don't know what they are called, but it is where she kinda "sews" yarn through a canvas type thing that has a picture on it. (If you understand that, BLESS YOU!) Here's a picture of her attempting it:

We accidentally left her alone with it with a pair of scissors near by and she "cut it out". She hasn't worked on it since, but I hope she will be able to do it. She cut a little close to the colored spots so I don't know if it will work or not. I've never done one, Spencer seemed to know what to do with it.

We are doing Family Home Evening now in our home. It sure has been fun. We have had some fun activities and some not so fun activities but this one was fun. I found it in one of the Friend magazines:

We cut apart an egg carton and painted them. Then we strung them with pipe cleaners and put tissue paper inside. They really turned out cute. We still have them in our family room.

My mom decided to make skirts for the girls. She had this cute pattern and found some really cute fabric that she wanted to make into skirts. They took her FOREVER, but the girls really love them:

These are the skirts that go along with CJ's "Crazy Quote". There is a woman in our ward that we have really become great friends with. She saw the skirts my mom was working on and begged her to make her girls one. Those took forever too. It's a lot of skirt and they are surprisingly heavy. I think she figured that a skirt like CJ's has about 21 yards of just the ruffles.

For July 4th we didn't really do a whole lot since it was on a Sunday, but we did make a special breakfast. Flag Waffles:

They are definitely a once a year type of treat, they took a while to make. They tasted really good. We celebrated the 4th on the 5th. It was Family Home Evening so for the activity, of which I had, we lit off some fireworks. I found probably the last standing fireworks stand in Colorado and they had an awesome sale going on that day, buy one get one free, or everything half off. I got some really awesome big fireworks for nothing at all, we had a blast!

It was Kidspree again in Aurora. Spencer took the girls last year and they wanted to go again this year. They call it the fun place. They had a ton of fun. I didn't go because I was busy getting ready to feed the missionaries that night. Here are some pictures of the stuff they did:

I'm going off of what Spencer told me. There is a TON of stuff to do at this Kidspree thing, and it is all free. I guess there was a guy there actually making Tops for the kids and then the kids got to paint theirs the way they wanted. They both came home and were so excited about their tops. They are really good Tops too. This next picture is from their Musical Petting Zoo. They have a ton of instruments there for the kids to play with.

I guess CJ liked the Cello the most.

This next picture is from their life size Candy Land:

And then they got to paint. When the three of them got home they were ALL covered in paint. These are houses they are painting:

Well, I guess that is it for now. Stay tuned for more stuff that we did 2 months or so ago.


Jackson Family said...

You've been up to a lot of fun--your mom did an AMAZING job on the skirts-simply adorable!!!

I love the egg carton flowers too, I'll have to give those a try one of these days.

Miss you guys-thanks for posting all the pics.

Sherri said...

You guys do the funnest things with your family! What great memories!!! Sweet little girls including "baby Schumann!" Thanks for keeping us updated with your blog, and the effort that goes into doing that. We will really miss you this weekend. Sorry...take great care of little baby, and know that we are thinking and praying for you. Love to all, loved the pix!