Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy "Mothter's" Day

I had a really good Mother's Day. The girls get up earlier than I am wanting to get up, but Spencer got up with them so I could sleep in. The girls made sure that they were quiet while I slept, the first in....ever! When I finally woke up, Spencer and the girls were making pancakes for my mom and me. They tasted so yummy. The girls were really excited about them. After church, Spencer made dinner for us. He made baked potatoes and all the fixings for them. It tasted so good. For dessert he had gotten a frozen Razelberry pie, my favorite, with some vanilla ice cream. It was really nice to have a day off. The girls drew us cards of their own. Earlier in the week Avary had made me a little hanging glove with flowers in it for Mother's Day. CJ had made me this cute little poem teapot thing at school. It has a really cute poem in it:

"Here's a gift for Mother's Day:
I'll try my best in every way.
But when you get upset with me,
Relax and have a pot of tea!"

It is really cute. Spencer gave me a yogurt maker and he also made his own card. He has written on the front of the card, "Happy Mothter's Day". He didn't notice the extra "T" until he was coloring it in. Extra special. Anyway, it is like a little book. He drew pictures and everything. Inside it says:

"This Mother's day, I want you to know how much I love you.
I love you more than ice cream. (I'd rather make you melt any day.)
I love you more than watching sports. (which I'm sure you already knew.)
I love you more than candy.
I love you more than rollercoasters.
I love you more than video games.
I love you more than computers. (They could never love me back.)
I love you more than airplanes.
I love you more than I can measure.
I love you more than the sunrise.
I love you more than all the treasures of the world. (Their bling is nothing compared to yours.)
I love you more than all the world.
I love you more than all the universe.
I love you with all my heart,
Now and forever."

I love it when he makes me cards. It is really cute. The pictures are pretty funny like the airplane picture he drew his airplanes that he has and he shows one crashed and missing a wing. It is pretty fun. I have a great husband. He even did all the dishes.

We hope every mother had a great Mother's day.


Jackson Family said...

great poem--I want to see the pictures that go along with it :)

Sherri said...

Sierra, you did have a GREAT Mother's day!! I LOVE the poem Spencer gave you...He KNOWS what "Romantic" means! You two and your kids make a Wonderful family...now and forever! And I absolutely LOVE your family picture on this blog!
So nice to talk to you on Mothters Day, Spencer.........Love, MOM