Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday CJ!

It was CJ's 6th birthday today. She was so excited last night that today was her birthday that she woke up EXTRA early this morning. Needless to say it has been a VERY long day.

We started her birthday off with waffles. She sure do like waffles, as she would so eloquently put it. I have this "Birthday Girl" ribbon that she is wearing in the picture. There was a whole soap opera today between her and Avary about that ribbon. Who would have thought that a dinky little $1 ribbon would cause that many problems!

For school, she wanted to take chocolate cupcakes with green frosting and a dragon ring on top. I couldn't find any dragon rings, but I did find the next best thing:
It is called a "Blinkie". I found them online and they are pretty cool. It lights up and blinks, hence the name Blinkie, and you can use it as a pin. She was able to give one to all her friends at school, she was really excited.

The weather has been crazy these last few, well, months and today was no exception:

It was really bad today and it made it hard to do REALLY fun stuff for her birthday, but I think she still had fun. Regardless of the weather, Anthony and Sabrina weathered through the storm and made it for cake and ice cream. I'm so glad they did because otherwise it would have just been the 5 of us eating a huge cake.

She got a LOT of Barbie stuff. It is so strange that I now have a daughter that is interested in Barbies. They make them a lot better these days. Their legs are plastic instead of rubber and they have hinges for their joints instead of weird clicky joints. Avary and CJ are really having fun playing with the Barbies CJ got.

This year CJ wanted a Dragon cake that breathed fire. She made sure that I had EVERY detail on this cake. She was at my side for half the time making sure it would be green, have a triangle on the tail, have wings, breathed fire, etc. etc. It turned out pretty awesome. I am very pleased:

Spencer did the carving and I did the rest. It was really yummy. She wanted a banana cake like Spencer had for his birthday. At least she could make up her mind of what cake she wanted, unlike her father. Anyway, she was really happy about her cake. I am so glad, but I was not sad to see the thing go. I've been working on it since Monday.

We put her candles down the back to represent the spikes on the back. She liked that idea. She requested the head and we gave it to her.
The first thing she went after was the eye:

It really tasted good. Happy Birthday to my baby girl! I love you!


Jackson Family said...

that cake is frickin' amazing!

Sherri said...

Happy Birthday CJ...6 years old what a great year in life!!!
That cake looks AMAZING...
Hope you have better weather...
The snow looked nice and white...and cold..
We had great weather on our trip..It was 70 degrees.. in Cleveland Ohio...yesterday...
We had the action on the flights coming home..Our first plain was running a half hour late..we got on it then they had us wait 45 min. more because of some kind of problem.they had with the under side of the we got to the Detroit Michigan air port and we had missed are flight in to S.L.C. So they flew us up to St. Paul for another connecting flight, to S.L.C. We had to run to catch it!!! we were the Last to get on it..But we made it in To the S.L.C. air port at we stayed down with Tausha last night..
All in all we had a wonderful, and AMAZING trip..
We missed not having C.J's birthday..With you!!!
Have a great Sabbath day..

Sherri said...

I loved hearing all about CJ's birthday - lucky girl to get such an awesome cake!! WOW! I would have chose the head too! FUN!
Love, MOM/Grandma

photomama said...

Happy birthday CJ!!! It looks like she had a really great day! Sierra, you're a great mamma for doing all that wonderful work for your baby! :) I can't believe she is 6 already! Anyway...happy birthday CJ!!!